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Working with LGBTQ+ Older Adults, one of four population specific modules available for further learning
after Level One that focuses on unique disparities when working with individuals holding multiple marginalized identities. The other three modules are: Working with LGBTQ+ Youth, Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities, and Working with LGBTQ+ Communities of Color.
If you have completed Level One and Level Two you are able to access one population specific module at no cost. Any additional modules after the first are $75 individually, $125 for two or $150 for the remaining three.
Working with LGBTQ+ Older Adults is one hour of content available online, on-demand. This module is designed to help participants:
- Learn about the historical context that LGBTQ+ older adults experienced, including recognizing the powerful advocacy of the leaders, the community resiliency, and challenges faced.
- Recognize the importance of social supports within the LGBTQ+ older adult community.
- Identify how COVID impacted older adults.
- Understand mental health considerations for LGBTQ+ older adults.
- Identify your role in creating and connecting LGBTQ+ older adults to accessible and affirming services.
Once you purchase the course, please begin with Instructions for completing the module. In order to receive your Certificate of Completion, you must pass the LGBTQ+ Older Adult Training Test with an 80% and complete the Training Feedback Survey.
Contact the training program team at training@envision-you.org with any questions that arise. Thank you for your commitment to providing culturally relevant and affirming services to LGBTQ+ individuals!